# Fields in genesis
Specifically, the genesis file includes the following fields:
- "genesis_time": The time of the beginning of the blockchain.
- "genutil": A variety of genesis utility functionality for usage including genesis transactions creation (gentx) and genesis file validation command as well as Tendermint related initialization.
- "ibc": Inter-Blockchain Communication across different chains.
- "chain_id": A unique identifier for the blockchain. See this for further details.
- "initial_height": The initial height of the blockchain.
- "consensus_params: Consensus parameters defined in the genesis file.
- "block":
- "max_bytes": Maximum size of a block (in bytes).
- "max_gas": The gas limit per block, default value is "-1", i.e., no rules about gas are enforced.
- "time_iota_ms": The minimum time increment between consecutive blocks, in milliseconds.
- "evidence": Evidence storage handling and block proposal detection with the evidence reactor.
- "max_age_num_blocks": This field is to be deprecated.
- "max_age_duration": The maximum age of evidence. Any evidence older than this will be rejected.
- "max_num": The maximum age of evidence (in number of blocks).
- "validator":
- "pub_key_types": The supported validator public key types.
- "app_hash": The initial application state defined in the genesis block.
- "auth"
- "params": Parameters of the auth module defined in the genesis file.
- "max_memo_characters": Maximum number of characters in a memo of a transaction.
- "tx_sig_limit": The maximum number of signers for a transaction.
- "tx_size_cost_per_byte": The amount of gas consumed per byte of a transaction.
- "sig_verify_cost_ed25519": Gas cost on edd2519 signature verification.
- "sig_verify_cost_secp256k1": Gas cost on secp256k1 signature verification.
- "accounts": Genesis accounts, which defines the initial allocation of the tokens.
- "@type": Account type.
- "address": Address of the genesis accounts.
- "pub_key": Public key of the genesis accounts.
- "account_number": The account number of the account in state.
- "sequence": Used to count the number of transactions sent by this account. It is incremented each time a transaction is included in a block, and used to prevent replay attacks.
- "base_vesting_account":
- "original_vesting": Special type of accounting that the token needs to be vested for a period of time before they can be transferred. Tokens can be delegated during the vesting period.
- "denom": Denomination of the token.
- "amount": Total amount in the vesting account.
- "delegated_free": Amount of delegated tokens that can be transferred after they've been vested.
- "delegated_vesting": Amount of delegated tokens that are still under vesting.
- "endtime": Vesting end time.
- "bank" The bank module handles tokens.
- "params": Parameters of the bank module defined in the genesis file.
- "send_enabled": The transfer capability in the genesis.
- "default_send_enabled": The default value for "send_enabled" value controls send transfer capability.
- "distribution":The module that handles the logic of distribution block provisions and fees to validators and delegators.
- "delegator_starting_infos":
- "delegator_withdraw_infos": List of delegators withdraw address.
- "fee_pool":
- "community_pool": Allocated funds in the community pool, if any.
- "outstanding_rewards": Uncollected rewards, if any.
- "params": Parameters of the distribution module defined in the genesis file.
- "base_proposer_reward": Base bonus on transaction fees collected in a valid block.
- "bonus_proposer_reward": Maximum bonus on transaction fees collected in a valid block.
- "community_tax": The rate of community tax.
- "withdraw_addr_enabled": Whether delegators can set a different address to withdraw their rewards.
- "previous_proposer": Proposer of the previous block, if any.
- "validator_accumulated_commissions": Uncollected commission of validators, if any.
- "validator_current_rewards": Information related to the current rewards of validators, if any.
- "validator_historical_rewards": Information related to the historical rewards of validators, if any.
- "validator_slash_events": Information related to the historical slashing events of validators, if any.
- "gov": The governance module.
- "deposit_params": Parameters for the deposit required for governance proposal.
- "max_deposit_period": The maximum deposit period for governance proposal.
- "min_deposit": The minimum deposit required for governance proposal.
- "deposits": List of deposits for each proposal ID, if any.
- "proposals": List of proposals for proposals, if any.
- "starting_proposal_id": The initial proposals id, starting from "1"
- "tally_params": Parameters for tally.
- "quorum": Minimum percentage of bonded staking tokens that needs to vote for the result to be valid.
- "threshold": Minimum percentage of votes that need to be YES for the result to be valid.
- "veto_threshold": Maximum percentage NO_WITH_VETO votes for the result to be valid.
- "votes": List of votes for each proposal ID, if any.
- "voting_params": Parameters for voting.
- "voting_period": The voting period for governance proposal.
- "mint": The minting module for token minting.
- "minter":
- "annual_provisions": Annual expected provisions (set to zero in genesis).
- "inflation": The target yearly inflation rate, compounded weekly.
- "params": Parameters of the mint module defined in the genesis file.
- "blocks_per_year": The expected number of blocks being produced per year.
- "goal_bonded": Target bonded token in percentage.
- "inflation_max": Maximum inflation rate.
- "inflation_min": Minimum inflation rate.
- "inflation_rate_change": Maximum annual change in inflation rate.
- "mint_denom": Token type being minted.
- "slashing": The slashing module for the punishment of validator's misbehavior.
- "missed_blocks": Information related to validators missed blocks, if any.
- "params": Parameters of the slashing module defined in the genesis file.
- "downtime_jail_duration": The jailing duration for validators with low availability.
- "min_signed_per_window": Threshold of total missed blocks, in percentage.
- "signed_blocks_window": Window to calculate validators's liveness.
- "slash_fraction_double_sign": Maximum percentage of stake reduction for byzantine validators.
- "slash_fraction_downtime": Maximum percentage of stake reduction for validators with low availability.
- "signing_infos": Information related to each validator for the slashing module, if any.
- "staking": The staking module that handles Proof-of-Stake related logics.
- "delegations": Information related to the delegation state of validators, if any.
- "exported": Wether this genesis file was generated by exporting of a previous state.
- "last_total_power": Total voting power in the genesis, if any.
- "last_validator_powers": The voting power of each validator in last known state, if any.
- "params": Parameters of the staking module defined in the genesis file.
- "bond_denom": Coin denomination for staking.
- "historical_entries": The number of historical entries to persist.
- "max_entries": The max entries for either unbonding delegation or redelegation.
- "max_validators": The maximum number of validator.
- "unbonding_time": The time duration of unbonding.
- "redelegations": List of redelegations for validators, if any.
- "unbonding_delegations": List of unbonding delegations for validators, if any.
- "validators": List of existing validators, if any.